Nice to meet you

I remember graduating from UCLA wondering what on earth I would actually DO with the new major in Sociology and a minor in Psychology I’d just gotten. Weirdly - or maybe not so weirdly - everything I do now stems and connects back to it.

Meaning, the desire to understand: what makes us tick? What motivates us? What’s important to us and were we handed those values or did we consciously choose them?

And, more interesting, how do we evolve? How do we align ourselves to the values we choose?

I realized the part of me that changed my major from theater, then to film before feeling at home in Sociology and Psych classes was the same part of me that loved improv class. I had started studying “for fun” at The Groundlings in LA when, before long, I discovered my hobby was in fact what I was meant to be doing all along.

If you study improv long enough, you’ll see it’s much more than an entertaining format that rivals stand-up. It, itself, is a process of becoming more conscious, aware, and creating from a free, fearless part of each of us. Sure, at first you may discover it in fits and starts in a beginner class, but soon it has the power to transform who you are.

You are forced at some point to drop all the B.S. - the insecurity, the false personalities, the control, the selfish motives, the unselfish habits of putting everyone else first, the competition - and just BE. Be who you are, as you are, realizing that THAT part of you is exactly 100% all that is needed.

Improv is a dynamic tool that belongs not just to theater people or comedy people…it is a powerful means of transformation for businesses, for all creative endeavors, and for unlocking and unleashing untapped potentials in everyone.

I’ve seen it with my own eyes over and over, and experienced it in my own life.

Improv has became a lightning rod for everything I wanted to do, create, teach and collaborate in. I have found that its principles show up with different names (spiritual work, evolutionary theories) and are used in all sorts of ways, but in the end, it all leads back to the same basic principles that you learn in the first few months of any decent improv training.

Underneath all that I do - my corporate improv company, my coaching & consulting, and my work with women around gendered “shoulds”, leadership, and confidence - I am here to inspire people to grow.

To let go. Trust. Learn. Listen. Become who they want to become. Create what they've dreamed of creating. Find new ways to collaborate with other like-minded people to build something that's more expansive than the sum of its parts.

You want to make more impact. In your life. In your work. In the world.
I get it. And I can help.

Let’s chat!

I can tell you more about what I do and you can tell me more about what you’re ready for.